
…There is always a ray of light

“I want to end it…”

“It’s been enough…”

“I can’t take it any more…”

“Why me… why is it always me….?”

“Why do you think it is the end of the road for you….?”, I asked…

“I don’t want to talk about it…”

“I’ve taken my final decision… I am not going to live any more…”

“I’m only telling you because I want you to tell all those, who brought me to this stage, that how much pain have they caused me…”

He talked about a lot of things that day… he was angry… he was frustrated…

It was shocking for me to hear all this from a handsome 24 years old boy. It was December of 2016 and a cold Sunday morning in Central London. He was the cousin of my friend who wanted me to talk to him and help him understand what was going on…

“So, you’ve made your final decision…?”, I asked….

He didn’t reply…

“Since you have already decided, I won’t talk to you about it…”, I continued, “but can you delay it by a week…?”

I could clearly see a shine in his eyes when he said yes… “it doesn’t matter if I end it today or a week later…”

I asked him to imagine that he is given a chance, with a guaranteed success, to change one thing in his life that could have made him feel better than what he was feeling…

I could see tears rolling in his eyes when he started the imagination…

There was a long pause… he started talking about his imagination. We kept talking for the next two hours that day…

He asked me to promise that this will be the last thing that I asked him to do… and I did…

The next morning, I came back home to Riyadh and soon forgot about this…

About 3 months later… he called me and said… “I’m doing it… it’s not over yet…”

It is November 2018, He’s now a father of a beautiful daughter and doing very well in his life…

Yesterday, he sent me a WhatsApp message saying,

“Thank you very much Coach, for empowering me to take control of my future…”

This article first appeared at

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